What It Means
Catillation is an obsolete word meaning: to lick one's plate. It has nothing to do with cats, except that they catillate quite a bit.
Tag Archives: D.C.
Plaster on the Corn: Review of Shucked at the National Theatre
You want to do a musical comedy about corn? Are you worried about being accused of writing folksy, hokey humor and groaner puns? Here’s the answer: lean into it! Continue reading
Posted in Events, Media Review, Reporting
Tagged D.C., National Theatre, reporting, review, Shucked
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Interactions and Reactions: Two Exhibits, and a Welcome Development
The NGA’s blockbuster exhibit is showcasing Impressionists – everybody’s favorite painting school – and the Phillips has an intriguing set of artworks drawn completely from their permanent collection. Continue reading
Posted in Events, Reporting
Tagged D.C., event, Impressionists, National Gallery of Art, NGA, Phillips Collection, reporting
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Almost Too Much Chocolate: The DC Chocolate Festival
The 7th Annual DC Chocolate Festival was a chocolate lover’s dream. In the airy atrium of the French Cultural Institute, makers of bars, bonbons and assorted other products lined the walls, offering samples and selling their wares. Several educational programs were held, and many of those involved tastings. It was a feast for all the senses, with opportunities to take away some fine examples of artisanal products. Continue reading
A Day In Two Countries: Sakura Matsuri and The Blessing of the Fleet
Last year on the Day of Cherry Blossom Saturation we attended both the parade and the Sakura Matsuri. This year, just for a change, we skipped the parade but subbed in another event which, coincidentally, took place on the same day and in almost the same location. Continue reading
Posted in Eating, Events, Reporting
Tagged Blessing of the Fleet, D.C., event, reporting, Sakura Matsuri, US Navy Memorial
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Advance Notice: The Seventh DC Chocolate Festival Approaches
Chocolate is one of my favorite things, so I am really looking forward to the seventh iteration of the DC Chocolate Festival this Saturday. Continue reading
Synergy and Serendipity at the National Book Festival
The National Book Festival attracted throngs of book-lovers to the Washington Convention Center. I was one of them. Continue reading
!9 Kitchens 9!: New Kitchens on the Block at Mess Hall
This last version of New Kitchens on the Block was the ninth opportunity to try the wares of a slew of emerging eateries all at once. Continue reading
Posted in Eating, Events, Reporting, Restaurant Review
Tagged Alfreda, chefs, Cielo Rojo, D.C., Elena James, event, Kevin Tien, Mahal, Mallard, Matt Baker, Mess Hall, New Kitchens on the Block, Non Se, reporting, San Pancho, Two Nine Omakase, Urai
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New Kitchens on the Block Coming This Saturday
New Kitchens on the Block will be an opportunity to get a taste of emerging restaurant concepts by some very successful chefs. Continue reading
I Love A Parade! The Cherry Blossom Blowout
I had never been to the Cherry Blossom Parade before, so I was looking forward to this year’s production – and the Sakura Matsuri was conveniently located a block away. Both were so full of sensation and sensory overload that it was quite an overwhelming day. The parade didn’t have much of a food connection, but the Matsuri made up for that.
Posted in Eating, Events, Reporting
Tagged Cabrales Koji, Cherry Blossom Parade, D.C., Dolci Gelati, eating, event, National Cherry Blossom Festival, reporting, Sakura Matsuri, taiyaki
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Cherry Blossom Time
The Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC is going strong. Continue reading
Posted in Events, Reporting
Tagged Conrad Hotel, D.C., event, National Cherry Blossom Festival, reporting
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