Happy Pie Day!  Celebrate With Not One But Two Contests

Yes, in honor of that unique mathematical relationship and MIT cheer (Cosine secant tangent sine, 3.14159), not to mention the tastiest of round desserts, we present: the Olney Theatre Center Pie Eating and Baking Contests!

Which actually occurred last week, but Pi Day furnished me with the perfect excuse for procrastination.  With OTC’s production of Waitress continuing to attract enthusiastic audiences, it would seem only natural for one of their community events to be organized  around the eating and baking of the production’s featured foodstuff.  So one sunny afternoon, about a dozen pie lovers gathered in the Cafritz Lobby (in front of the original theater, currently under renovation) to indulge.  Some in wretched excess, some in decorous judgement.

Shruthi Mukund, OTC’s Director of Community Engagement, organized both contests.  A table laden with two apple pies (baking contest entries) and several commercial piecrusts was waiting.  Wait – where were the eating contest pies?  Shruthi, a contest-running novice, on advice from more experienced heads, had provided “pies” made of  Cool Whip and piecrust.  Yes, the contestants had to devour a mess of artificial whipped topping and store-bought piecrust; the winner was the one who finished first.   And yet, there were still four volunteers!

Two Real Pies and Two Immanent Impostors
Contestants with Shruthi in Background
Eating and Recording (Winner is Second Eater From Left)

Joseph McNally won the eating contest, finishing in two minutes, 40 seconds.  His prize, no surprise, was two tickets to an OTC production.  After applause and congratulations, the action moved on to the second feature of the day: judging the pie baking contest.  The judges were selected by asking the assembled pie fans who would like to be one.  Eight of us raised our hands.  Perfect for a nicely-sized sample of each pie!

Waiting To Judge
We Give It Our Full Consideration

There were two entries, both, coincidentally, variations on apple pie.  Only one contestant was present, and her pie was the clear winner.

The Winner! Jean and the Remains of Her Pie

Jean Krueger’s Apple Crumbly Pie won on the three criteria the judges were asked to use: taste, texture, and uniqueness.  We agreed that the crumble topping made it superior to the other pie, which was a conventional double-crust (although that pie, as well, was toothsome and delicious).  “We’re a pie family,” said Jean.  Each member has their own preferred pie, which is served on their birthdays instead of cake.

The recipe for her pie came from a set of cards published by Great American Recipe Cards years ago, and has become a tradition in her family.  I think I found it here.  Her daughter won the 4-H pie contest at the Montgomery County Fair one year with it.  Jean is continuing that tradition!

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