On the evidence of two local supermarkets, Valentine’s Day has blown up to proportions unseen in modern history. The Harris Teeter in Olney and the Wegman’s in Columbia have gone to extremes to coax the last dollar out of last-minute swains desperate to impress their significant others.
Before the Day, we happened into HT when the last of the decorations were going up. Debbie, the floral department manager, usually marks each major holiday with special decorations, but for Valentines Day she goes all-out.

On Valentine’s Day Eve, we found ourselves in Wegman’s. There was an equally impressive display of seasonal excess, incorporating the expected balloons, candy, and flowers, but with a couple of interesting variations.

On a marble tabletop, an array of chocolate-covered strawberries greeted us. So did Stevyn, eager to assist.

We had never seen so many different kinds at once. At $3.00 each, we had never seen such spendy ones, either.
The rose display also held a unique experience. Painted roses, stiff and shiny, in many colors. Also spendy.
Okay, I can’t resist. Gilding the lily. There, I said it.
Epilogue: Then there was February 15. Sad carts loaded with 50% off candy and plushies. Timing is everything.
[HT after v-day;2]